
Xdialog Commands


The following commands are available in Xdialog


Specifies an anchor point.


Can improve the performance of Xdialogs.


The {BACKGROUND} command specifies the background color the dialog.


The {BEGINEMBEDDED} command allows you to embed an Xdialog within another Xdialog with in-line code, rather than using the {EMBEDDED} command to define a window within the parent xdialog in which the embedded dialog will be displayed.


Draws a box around one or more cells of the Xdialog grid.


Allows you to trap an attempt by the user to close a Xdialog box.


The {CELLSPILLOVER} function allows you to dynamically reposition Xdialog controls to the prior cell on a row.


Closes a modeless dialog box when the user clicks outside the Xdialog.


Indicate the start and end of columns in an Xdialog.


Sets the foreground color for some types of controls


The {COLORPICKER} control displays the Color Picker dialog and returns the hexadecimal value of the selected color.


The {COMMENT} command allows you to place a comment in-line with Xdialog code.


The {COMPOSITED} command enables double-buffering of the screen display to reduce or eliminate screen flickering.


The {CONDITION} command allows the display of Xdialog elements to be turned on or off, depending on how a logical expression is evaluated.


Make portions of an Xdialog visible.


For adding additional cases to make portions of an Xdialog visible.


See the example below from {CONDITION_BEGIN}.


Allows you to specify a bitmap to use for the cursor when the mouse is over a control.


The {DATA} command is used to modify an entry in a list of choices?. It allows you to display one value in a list box or tree control, yet store a different value.


Refer to {TABSTOPS}


The {DOCKABLE} command is used in an Xdialog to turn the modeless xdialog into a dockable toolbar. It can only be used if the xdialog is modeless. i.e. if you use the UI_MODELESS_DLG_BOX()command.


For internal use only.


Specifies which bitmap to use for the "drag handle" when the toolbar is docked.


The {EMBEDDED} command embeds a modeless dialog into another modeless dialog.


The {ENCODING} command defines the encoding for text in the dialog.


Refer to the {COL} command, example shown below.


Terminates a {BEGINEMBEDDED} command.


Refer to the {REGION} command. {REGION} Example shown below


Terminates a {ROW}


Terminates a {TAB}, {DEFAULTTABSTOPS}, {TABSTOPS}, or {NOTABSTOPS} command.


The {EXPAND} command allows you to display a message to the user when the function that is populating a branch of a tree control takes a long time to respond.


The {FIELDSELECT} command is obsolete.


Defines the font, point size, and style.


The {FONTLIST} command displays a list of installed fonts.


The {FRAME} command draws a box around one or more cells of the Xdialog grid.


The {GROW_TO} command causes all controls in a region to grow to the same height (in a row) or the same width (in a column).


The {HELP} command allows you to add context sensitive help to an xdialog. If you do not specify the Help_Topic_Name, the topic id in the last {Help} command encountered is used.


The {HSCROLL} command displays a horizontal scroll bar.


The {HSIZER} command allows you to stretch a docked toolbar to the left or right.


The {HSLIDER} command places a vertical bar on the dialog that you can slide horizontally to increase the size of one portion of the dialog while decreasing the size of another portion.


The {HTML} xdialog command displays an HTML window using Alpha Anywhere internal HTML control.


{HYPERLINK} creates a button that looks like a hyperlink.


The {ICON} command is used in MDI modeless xdialogs to specify the name of the bitmap to use as the icon on the title bar.


The {Image} command displays a bitmap (.BMP), cursor (.CUR), or icon (.ico) image. This command is to be used with transparent images.


The {IMAGE_OPAQUE} command displays a bitmap (.BMP) image. This command is to be used with opaque images that are drawn at the same time as the background.


Allows you to load image from files on disk and view them in a window on an Xdialog.


The {INCLUDE} function allows you to call Help_Topic_Name when the name of the help file has been dynamically calculated within the Xdialog.


By default the control that has focus when a dialog is opened is the first control on the dialog, however, you may specify a different control.  The {INITIAL_FOCUS} command precedes the control that should have initial focus.


The {INTERVAL} command is used to specify how frequently the timer event fires if a timer event is specified.


The {JUSTIFY} command controls the placement of a control within a cell in an Xdialog. The {JUSTIFY} command is typically inserted between {REGION} and {ENDREGION} commands.


The Keypad Control is no longer supported.


The {LF} command inserts one or more carriage return line feed sequences.


The {LINE} command draws a thin line vertically or horizontally for the specified number of rows or columns.


Creates external dependencies between separate xdialogs.


The {LISTVIEW} control displays data from an Alpha Anywhere table, Access database, ADO compatible database, or ODBC compatible database in a grid format similar to that provided by Windows Explorer.


The {LISTVIEW} control displays data from an Alpha Anywhere table, Access database, ADO compatible database, or ODBC compatible database in a grid format similar to that provided by Windows Explorer in a MDI child window.The {LISTVIEW} control displays data from an Alpha Anywhere table, Access database, ADO compatible database, or ODBC compatible database in a grid format similar to that provided by Windows Explorer in a MDI child window.


The {MDICHILD} function declares the Xdialog to be a member of a new MDI window class.


The {NEVERGAINFOCUS} prevents an Xdialog from being given focus automatically when it is instantiated. The user can still click on controls in the Xdialog and give them focus.


The {NOCAPTION} command suppresses the title bar of a dialog box. [Picture]


Allows you to open new dialogs from a dialog without them being children of the first dialog.


The {NOMOVE} command specifies that a dialog box cannot be moved. The command is used in conjunction with the {NOCAPTION} command.


If you use {NOTABSTOPS} then all controls after this command will not have tab stops. Refer to {TABSTOPS}


The {ON_ACTIVATE} function sets the value of a_dlg_button and generates a virtual button click. This allows the event handlers in the %code% section to respond to external events.


The {ON_CHAR} command allows you to capture printable keystrokes. Contrast with {ON_KEY} which lets you trap non-printable keys, such as F2, or PAGE UP, or CTRL END.


Fires an event when the Clipboard contents change.


The {ON_DEACTIVATE} function sets the value of a_dlg_button and generates a virtual button click. This allows the event handlers in the %code% section to respond to external events.


Captures non-printable keystrokes and generates an Xdialog event.


Creates an HTML overlay.


Refer to the {TAB} command.


Defines the starting position for a dialog box.


The {PROGRESS} command displays a progress bar.


The {PROPGRID} command displays the type of control displayed below. The control provides a mechanism for displaying many prompts and accepting many inputs from the user.


Identifies a sequence of Xdialog commands that should be treated as a single entity.


The {REGION_XMARGIN} command sets the left margin for the following region(s).


The {REGION_YMARGIN} command sets the top margin for the following region(s).


The {RESTRICT_DOCKING} command prevents a modeless dialog box that has been turned into a toolbar (by the inclusion of the {DOCKABLE} command) from docking. I.e. force it to always be a floating toolbar.


The {RIGHTCLICK} function responds to right-clicks. It is supported only by the Tree and List Box controls.


Refer to the {COL} command. Copied Example shown below.


The {RTF} command places an RTF text box on the Xdialog.


The {SCROLLABLE} command allows an embedded xdialog to be scrolled within the window defined by its parent Xdialog. The {scrollable} keyword must be in the definition of the embedded Xdialog (not in the definition of the parent).


The {SIZE} command sets the width of the dialog, using the units specified in the {UNITS} command.


The {SIZEINDEX} command allows you to dynamically select between two sets of dimensions for a control. The {SIZEINDEX=} command turns off the command.


One or more Button objects may appear inside the Format section of a UI_DLG_BOX() function.


Resets the starting position of the current cell to the top-left of the previous cell.


The {STARTUP} command defines an event to fire when the Xdialog is loaded.


The {STICKTO} command defines which side(s) of the dialog box the control or region should stick to when the dialog box is stretched.


Allows the dialog box to be stretched.


The {T} function specifies a location for an anchor point {A}. Anchor points are useful when you want to accurately position buttons on a dialog using owner draw strings with tab stops. A primary application is in creating list boxes with resizable columns.


Tabbed dialogs allow you to organize your dialog into logical sections, and to pack a lot more information onto the dialog than a single dialog would allow.


The {TabBand} command inserts a line of tabs into an Xdialog control. Each tab will display a different page.


All controls that come after the command will have tab stops.


Displays text from a character variable.


The {THEME} command enables or disables XP Themes.


The {TIMER} command generates timer events. The interval between events is specified by the {INTERVAL} command.


The {TITLE} command can be used to create dynamic titles for Xdialog.


The {TOOLCAPTION} causes the dialog to display a special half height title bar when the dialog is configured as a toolbar. NOTE: To configure a dialog to display as a toolbar, the dialog must be modeless, and must include the {DOCKABLE} command. If the dialog is configured as a standard modal dialog (i.e. it is displayed using the ui_dlg_box() function), then the {TOOLCAPTION} command turns off the red X button in the title bar.


The {TRACKBAR} command puts a trackbar control on an Xdialog.


Defines the units of measure. The default is inches.

Using the {Col} and {Row} Commands

In addition to the rather terse '|' column delimiter and ';' row delimiter, there is an alternate way to specify rows and columns which is similar to syntax used for tables in HTML documents. The {Col} {Endcol} command pair can be used to specify the start and end of a column, and the {Row} {Endrow} command pair can be used to specify the start and end of a row. Like the {Region} {Endregion} command, you can use an optional numeric digit with the command to help you keep track of which {Endcol} command belongs to which {Col} command, and which {Endrow} command belongs to which {Row} command. For example, {Col1} {Endcol1}. The {Col} {Endcol} and {Row} {Endrow} commands have the following rules:

Using the {Data} Command

Allows you to return a value other than the display value from a node in a tree control.


The {VPAD} command applies to old style radio buttons. It sets the vertical spacing between the radio buttons. This command is not required if you use Freeform Radio Button Control Syntax.


The {VSCROLL} command displays a vertical scroll bar.


The {VSIZER} command allows you to stretch a docked toolbar up or down.


The {VSLIDER} command places a horizontal bar on the Xdialog that you can slide vertically to increase the size of one portion of the Xdialog while decreasing the size of another portion.


The {WATCH} command monitors the value of a variable or expression and fires an event when that expression changes.


Monitors an array of variables and generates events when the one in the active window changes.


Sets the word wrap width.


The {XMARGIN} command sets the left and right margins of the Xdialog. Unless otherwise specified, the measurement is in terms of the default font, which is Arial 8 point.


The {XPAD} commands sets the horizontal space between columns.


The {XSIZE} command changes the default horizontal spacing between controls.


The {YMARGIN} command sets the top and bottom margins of the Xdialog. Unless otherwise specified, the measurement is in terms of the default font, which is Arial 8 point.


The {YPAD} command sets the spacing between lines in points.


The {YSIZE} command sets the default vertical spacing between controls.